Doodling is goofing off, so they say…
Oil Painting
In your service
You are my friend, you are my confidant,
You are my challenge, my supporter,
My supported,
You are my partner,
My critic, my teacher, my student,
You are my freedom, my fear,
You are my inspiration, my motivation,
You are my obstacle,
You are my goal.
Lovely love,
Friend of gentleness,
I will not steal you from yourself.
But on your own, look for the light
And you will know,
You cannot fail to know.
I will reflect you, protect you,
I will understand, and I won’t.
I will push you, and tease you,
I will live in your dreams.
I will be… with you,
at peace
yet not
yet not
yet not
the light,
glowing bright,
yet not,
so unassuming.
Like the air…
You breath and don’t realize it’s beauty
Until it’s gone.
But this time, it won’t go.
I won’t let it go
Poet’s statement: This poem… I’m amazed at how clearly it says to me what I want to say. It could not be more complete if I spelled out every word and every thought. So much would be lost if it were spelled out. You cannot really know what it means…to me. And I will not tell you. It’s about something real, and you can see what that is. But you won’t really know what it means. With essays, I have to “give it all away.” My writing teacher said so. But not with poetry. She said that too. You can only know what this means to you — but not entirely.
In Your Service ©1998 by Lori Arsenault. All Rights Reserved.